Monday, January 20, 2014

Set a big money goal

This is a great quick video on making New Year's Resolutions versus setting goals.

The point that really hit home with me is paying attention to those ideas when they come. I have the same ideas that show up over and over again. However, I've ignored them as I pursue something that seems more 'reasonable'. Who am I to decide that? Maybe, just maybe, if the idea comes back to me over and over, the Universe is trying to tell me something? I think it's time to take action.

How about you? Do you have an idea (or ideas) that keep coming up that you haven't taken action on? Maybe this is the time to do it. Just take that first step and see where it takes you.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Perfect Timing

The end of the year was crazy busy for us. The kids have their birthday at the end of November. It usually falls right around Thanksgiving. Then Dax and I leave for a week long conference in Las Vegas and then the Christmas holidays and all the activities that brings. That's my excuse for the absence here anyway. :0)

While we were in Las Vegas the greatest thing happened and I just wanted to share.

We had been in a casino playing a slot machine and lost about $100 in about 90 seconds. As we were heading out of the casino to our actual destination (I don't even remember where we were actually headed) Dax was talking about how he believes to win but that he just keeps feeling let down. Especially in that situation. He was telling me that he understands why people lose faith and hope. That after someone believes for so long and sees nothing that it's easy to lose faith. On and on he went for our whole walk through the casino.

When we got to the doors and walked outside the light was red so we couldn't cross the street and had to stand and wait. We were standing there for about 30 seconds when we start hearing all this noise coming down the sidewalk. Turns out is was a line of about 10-15 people carrying signs and shouting out praises about believing in God and having faith. One of the ladies got out of the line and walked up to us and handed us a pamphlet and then got back in line and they continued on their way.

We were the only people in the big crowd standing there that they gave anything to. As they walked off, I told Dax that it was apparent that God was listening and that was his sign to just keep believing.

We've been to Las Vegas about 20 times over the years and that was the first time we have seen anything like that or had anything like that happen. It certainly was perfect timing!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Check this out

I really enjoyed this, so I wanted to share it.

It's a blog posting from Mind Valley. Just click here and see what he has to say about goal setting. If you're anything like me, that seems to be a daunting task but it doesn't have to be.

Mind Valley also has an app called Omvana that is great. You can use it to download music, speeches, meditations, etc. If you have a smart phone, you should give it a try too.

OK. That's all I have for today.

If you try either one of these, please let me know what you think.

Oh, and just so you know, I am not a paid spokes person. I am just sharing with you the things that I find helpful/useful.

Wishing you the happiest of New Years!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A confession

I have been asking The Universe for something very specific with a specific deadline for a couple of months now. I was doing this after I had watched a webinar suggesting that.

While I agree with being specific in what you want, I'm not so sure about the whole deadline thing.

My deadline passed at the end of the day on December 1st. My request did not come to fruition. I am confident that I will receive what I have asked when the time is right. However, having put a timeline with my request left me dealing with the disappointment  when it didn't come to pass. 

It's hard to feel gratitude when you're busy feeling disappointed.

But, I fianally realized that I can still have what I asked timeline just might not be the right one. I always try to ask largely and to ask for my highest good and the highest good of everyone that will be involved in my receiving. I don't know the bigger plan or if something even better than what I've asked is what I'll really receive.

I have learned that giving The Universe a deadline isn't the right way for me to do this. I feel like I set myself up for disappointment, and there was no point and no need for that. I don't think I'll be doing that again.

I guess sometimes I need a reminder.....even when I don't want it. It just might bee part of what all of this growing stuff is about.

I hope that my sharing helps someone else and that you all have a wonderful day.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It finally hit me......gratitude

I read a lot of law of attraction books & articles and listen to a lot of interviews and lessons. And I get the whole gratitude thing. Changing my focus, remembering to be grateful, looking for new things to be grateful for.

I even keep gratitude journals.....currently I'm keeping one that is devoted solely to the reasons that I love my husband. I'm doing it for a year and will give it to him on our anniversary next year. It keeps me focused on his good qualities, which means that I don't start focusing on the things that drive me crazy.

I get it.

So this morning I realize that even though I think 'I get it', I didn't realize just how valuable and important gratitude really is. And just how little of it I am actually giving.

Here's how my Ah-Ha moment happened:

My children's birthday is today. So, for a good part of the week I've been running around like a crazy person trying to make sure that things are ready for their birthday......not to mention all of the running around that also happens at this time of year because Thanksgiving is next week and then the day after that my husband and I leave town for work and will be gone for 10 days. There's so much to do at home and the I've been busy to say the least. Going to bed late, getting up a couple hours before anyone else, and trying to squeeze things in where I can.

Last night I wanted to blow up balloons so that I could sneak them into the kids' rooms so that their floors would be covered this morning when they woke up. Well, as it turned out, I didn't get 5 minutes to myself last night to get anything done. There were cupcakes to be made and frosted (two of them promised to bring them to one of their classes) along with dinner and other things....and I'm fighting getting the crud that my daughter had that kept her sick for over a week.

This morning when I got up I blew up as many balloons as I had time to but it didn't amount to much so I just put them in the hallway that all of their rooms open onto. I also had to get their presents wrapped, cookies baked for their lunches, and breakfast made.

Because one of our daughters will be out of town starting right after school today, birthday festivities had to happen this morning before school. That made things even more frantic. But, I'm getting it all handled.........and then someone complained. And then another. They weren't big complaints, mind you, but they cut me to the core.

As I was getting all of the cupcakes into the box to be transported to school, I was thinking about all of the craziness I had been through while everyone else was relaxing or sleeping. How I had gotten up early in order to keep the presents a secret (some of them I made) and how I had not once run anyone off when I could have been working on the other stuff. I thought about how I had put them before my own needs and desires because I wanted them to be happy.

I wondered if it was too much to ask that one of them say thank you.

You see, all I wanted was a little GRATITUDE.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks!!

If I wanted to be recognized and appreciated for the little bit (in the whole scheme of things) that I had done, what must our Creator think about our lack of gratitude for the unending things that have been and are being done for us? How must it hurt that we, as a population in general, aren't grateful? The thought of it in that context is just heartbreaking. I don't want to contribute to that kind of numbed thinking and ungrateful expectation anymore!

So, now that I have this different perspective, gratitude and the giving of it has taken on a whole new meaning. If I think that I need appreciation for what I've done, then I owe so much more appreciation to other people for what they've done. But, even more than that, I owe a world of gratitude to the Creator.....for this world!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Quick Read

Lets get this week started off on a high note.

Here's a resource for a quick little read called The Come Back. It's only 15 pages and it's yours for free - no commitments or anything. :0)

I read through it and then re-read some parts.  I find that when I read something like this, certain things stand out for me. I think it's answers/inspiration for things that I'm currently trying to work through. And, later when I re-read it something different will stand out that I hadn't taken any notice of in the prior reading. I'm always grateful that one source can hold so many lessons. Then when I realize just how many sources are available it's just mind boggling.

So, I am sharing with you this short article. It is me giving, from right where I am, and I hope that it brings great things for you and for the person from whom I received it. So go. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Have a wonderful and prosperous week!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Just What I Needed

I don't know who did this originally so I don't know to whom I owe the credit.

I saw this today and it spoke to me. I have some relatives that in (or out, at this point I'm not really sure) of my life. Their actions have caused a lot of hurt and anger to my family. Not so much to me, but it hurts me to see how it makes my husband and children feel. More often than not I get tangled in the emotions and let them run free. And, as we all know, if I let those negative emotions just continue on their spiral, I'll just wind up with even more of what I do not want for me or my family. I needed to be reminded to be thankful. ALWAYS!!! Even if the only reason I can find is because it shows me what I don't want, then that's the reason I need to go with. Either way, it's important to find the gratitude and to hang on with both hands. I know I'll be better off for it.

My hope today is that by sharing this it will help someone else and continue and multiply the gratitude.

Have a great weekend, y'all!