Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A confession

I have been asking The Universe for something very specific with a specific deadline for a couple of months now. I was doing this after I had watched a webinar suggesting that.

While I agree with being specific in what you want, I'm not so sure about the whole deadline thing.

My deadline passed at the end of the day on December 1st. My request did not come to fruition. I am confident that I will receive what I have asked when the time is right. However, having put a timeline with my request left me dealing with the disappointment  when it didn't come to pass. 

It's hard to feel gratitude when you're busy feeling disappointed.

But, I fianally realized that I can still have what I asked timeline just might not be the right one. I always try to ask largely and to ask for my highest good and the highest good of everyone that will be involved in my receiving. I don't know the bigger plan or if something even better than what I've asked is what I'll really receive.

I have learned that giving The Universe a deadline isn't the right way for me to do this. I feel like I set myself up for disappointment, and there was no point and no need for that. I don't think I'll be doing that again.

I guess sometimes I need a reminder.....even when I don't want it. It just might bee part of what all of this growing stuff is about.

I hope that my sharing helps someone else and that you all have a wonderful day.