When I am asking the Universe for something, I like to conclude with 'this or something better' because we don't always know how things with work out for us if we limit our asking to only what we know. I like to give the Universe the chance to do what is really best for me.
There are many situations in our lives where we are left wondering 'Why did that happen to me? I don't understand.' Sometimes we may get an answer, but so often we are left with no explanation and no clue as to why something has happened. It's at these times that we just have to depend on our faith and fall back on the belief that all things are happening for our highest good.
But, sometimes we get an answer and we get to see why something happened the way it did.
Many years ago, we were heading out of town with our children for a long weekend. From the very beginning, our kids have sat in the same car seats in the same spot in our car. Well, on this particular weekend two of them switched seats. (Note: They had never done it before and they never did it afterwards. They only did it this one time on this particular weekend.)
Well, we all got loaded up and headed out. About two hours into our drive, Abigail opened her car door. We usually had the back doors on the child safety setting so that those doors have to be opened from the outside. However, we had recently had company and had changed the setting and obviously overlooked putting it back on the safety setting.
So, we were driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour and she opened the door. Not all the way, but it was enough that the door wasn't closed tight anymore. We exited the highway and stopped on the side of the access road. I jumped out and closed her door and then we got back on our way.
Not two minutes down the road we came upon a pretty bad wreck. It had just happened. The police and ambulance hadn't even arrived yet. The people involved were still trying to wrap their brains around the fact that they had just had this wreck.
I know with every fiber of my being that if we hadn't stopped to close that door we would have been the ones involved in that wreck. The Universe had been at work hours before putting things in motion so that we would be stopped before that wreck happened and our children wouldn't have to be involved.
My point here is that there is a reason that things happen the way they do. Unfortunately, we may not always get to know what that reason is, but there is always a reason. Now, the people that were involved in that wreck may wonder why it happened to them, but maybe it was to spare my children since they were all adults. Or who knows, maybe one of them wanted a new car and that was how they got it. I don't know, and the truth of the matter is I don't need to know why. I only need to believe that it was for the highest good of everyone involved.
So the next time you're asking the Universe for the things that you most desire, remember that your desires involve countless people along the way. It's like a ripple effect in the water. Be sure to include a request for things to work for the highest good of everyone involved. And thanks for doing it, because it affects us all.
Friday, August 30, 2013
You don't always know why
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
What the world needs now is love.....
Do you remember that song? It's going through my head right now.
But really, isn't more love a good thing?
I came across a site - again, I don't remember all the links that got me there - that is all about leaving more love in the world. It's called More Love Letters. And it's so very easy to do.
It's all about leaving love letters. Now, these aren't love letters as in romance and soul mates and all of that. These are letters to complete strangers that are in need of love and encouragement.
You can do it in two different ways. You can write love letters that are from your heart but addressed to no one. You write the letter (or several copies of the same letter) and you leave them to be found by someone that needs to hear what your letter is saying.
Other people have left them in the shelves of bookstores or libraries (the self help section is a sure place to leave a letter for someone that is needing help) or even at bus stops or on park benches. Just leave them anywhere for someone to find them and be touched.
The other option is to write them to specific people. There is a place on the site for love letter requests. The requests is where I started. In general, friends/family of someone writes in to request letters and explains why they think the person would benefit from them. Like maybe some issue has come up that they are struggling with.....divorce, illness, shyness, etc. It felt so great to write that first letter. I didn't know what I was going to say, but once I got started it all just poured out. The love and support for a total stranger.
In the world of LOA giving away your love and gratitude is a great way to receive more of it in your own life. It makes you feel good to help others, it helps you to remember what is going right in your own life, and it raises your vibration. All ways to enhance your own experiences in life.
Anyway, if you're looking to spread the love, here's a great place to start. All you'll need is a pencil, paper, envelope, and a stamp. Go on. Give a little love!
But really, isn't more love a good thing?
I came across a site - again, I don't remember all the links that got me there - that is all about leaving more love in the world. It's called More Love Letters. And it's so very easy to do.
It's all about leaving love letters. Now, these aren't love letters as in romance and soul mates and all of that. These are letters to complete strangers that are in need of love and encouragement.
You can do it in two different ways. You can write love letters that are from your heart but addressed to no one. You write the letter (or several copies of the same letter) and you leave them to be found by someone that needs to hear what your letter is saying.
Other people have left them in the shelves of bookstores or libraries (the self help section is a sure place to leave a letter for someone that is needing help) or even at bus stops or on park benches. Just leave them anywhere for someone to find them and be touched.
The other option is to write them to specific people. There is a place on the site for love letter requests. The requests is where I started. In general, friends/family of someone writes in to request letters and explains why they think the person would benefit from them. Like maybe some issue has come up that they are struggling with.....divorce, illness, shyness, etc. It felt so great to write that first letter. I didn't know what I was going to say, but once I got started it all just poured out. The love and support for a total stranger.
In the world of LOA giving away your love and gratitude is a great way to receive more of it in your own life. It makes you feel good to help others, it helps you to remember what is going right in your own life, and it raises your vibration. All ways to enhance your own experiences in life.
Anyway, if you're looking to spread the love, here's a great place to start. All you'll need is a pencil, paper, envelope, and a stamp. Go on. Give a little love!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
A Great Opportunity
I haven't yet gotten to the point of mentioning one of the people that I follow named Margaret Lynch. She has a great opportunity coming up soon for Stand Out Like a Rock Star classes. You can click on the link here or in the sidebar to find out more and go sign up.
I can't tell you how I found her. I have found that when I am led to things that are good for me, I often don't really know how I got there. You know, I click on a link for someone that I follow and something catches my attention in a sidebar so I click on it. That happens a few times and I don't remember where I've been, or how I got there. lol
I view that as divine guidance getting me to what I need to read, see, or learn. Sometimes when I don't pay attention in the first place, I find myself routed back to that place again and again. Funny how that works.
Anyway, if you're not familiar with Margaret, you can also find several videos by her on YouTube. She has all kinds of great information, insight, and tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) videos both on YouTube and on her own website. Go check it all out. You'll be glad you did.
I can't tell you how I found her. I have found that when I am led to things that are good for me, I often don't really know how I got there. You know, I click on a link for someone that I follow and something catches my attention in a sidebar so I click on it. That happens a few times and I don't remember where I've been, or how I got there. lol
I view that as divine guidance getting me to what I need to read, see, or learn. Sometimes when I don't pay attention in the first place, I find myself routed back to that place again and again. Funny how that works.
Anyway, if you're not familiar with Margaret, you can also find several videos by her on YouTube. She has all kinds of great information, insight, and tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) videos both on YouTube and on her own website. Go check it all out. You'll be glad you did.
law of attraction,
Margaret Lynch,
Margaret M Lynch,
Monday, August 19, 2013
About my children
So here's what has been the most important manifestation in my life. It is actually a great example of first manifesting what I didn't want, and then manifesting what I did want. Frankly, I think that a lot of LOA information glosses over the part of how easily we manifest that which we don't want because our focus is so often on what we don't want instead of restating that into what we do want.
Well, as far back as I can remember I wanted to grow up, get married, and have a lot of children. Of course as time went by there were different career goals that came and went, but the desire for a husband and children never left.
Somewhere along the way, the thought crossed my mind that I might not be able to have children and then what would I do. Unfortunately, instead of letting that thought just come and go I held it a little to long and gave it the chance to start to take root. For some reason I started to believe that I could never really have something that I wanted so much. And that belief grew deeper roots and eventually I guess I just accepted that. I didn't dwell on it, but it was always there in the back of my mind.
And do you know what was happening? The Universe was busy lining things up to make my belief a reality. But it wasn't what I wanted at all!!
I started my period when I was around 13 and within a couple of years I stopped having them altogether. It's really hard to get pregnant if your reproductive system isn't working at all.
So years later when I met and married my husband, I was still having the same issues. I had been to different doctors who told me all kinds of different reasons for my problems, but none of their solutions worked to get things back to normal.
When my husband and I decided it was time to have children, we both went through all kinds of tests. I spent a couple of years injecting myself with hormones and drugs that were supposed to help. And month after month, nothing changed. Then, somewhere along the way, my focus changed from being afraid of not being able to have children to simply asking FOR children. And honestly, once I let go of the fear that I had been holding onto and changed my focus, things happened rather quickly.
Here's a little word of advice to you....try to be specific when you are asking the Universe for what you want. It makes a difference.
You see, I asked for children. Over and over again I asked for children. And I got exactly what I asked for. I got 'children' in the form of quadruplets! I never asked for 'a baby' even though that's really what I expected, because who would ever think that I would need to be that specific. I knew that I wanted several children, it just never occurred to me that I should have to say that I expected them one at a time. But, the Universe answered my request in the most wonderful way and I wouldn't change a thing. The pregnancy was not an easy one--I spent 7 weeks in bed in the hospital. Not allowed to get out of bed, and not allowed to even sit up.--but I was certain from the start that I would have four healthy beautiful babies. I would not even entertain thoughts of anything being wrong and I wouldn't let other people talk about it around me. I only wanted positive attitudes. And it all worked out better than we could have ever imagined!
And, it's funny, because I didn't even know about the LOA back then. But my heart must have known, because that's what got me through it all. And when I did find out about the LOA it was my heart that told me that what I was reading was true.
Think about where your focus is. Is fear of what you don't want your dominant thought? Can you re-frame your desires into a positive form? Are you being specific? Because it all matters!
Well, as far back as I can remember I wanted to grow up, get married, and have a lot of children. Of course as time went by there were different career goals that came and went, but the desire for a husband and children never left.
Somewhere along the way, the thought crossed my mind that I might not be able to have children and then what would I do. Unfortunately, instead of letting that thought just come and go I held it a little to long and gave it the chance to start to take root. For some reason I started to believe that I could never really have something that I wanted so much. And that belief grew deeper roots and eventually I guess I just accepted that. I didn't dwell on it, but it was always there in the back of my mind.
And do you know what was happening? The Universe was busy lining things up to make my belief a reality. But it wasn't what I wanted at all!!
I started my period when I was around 13 and within a couple of years I stopped having them altogether. It's really hard to get pregnant if your reproductive system isn't working at all.
So years later when I met and married my husband, I was still having the same issues. I had been to different doctors who told me all kinds of different reasons for my problems, but none of their solutions worked to get things back to normal.
When my husband and I decided it was time to have children, we both went through all kinds of tests. I spent a couple of years injecting myself with hormones and drugs that were supposed to help. And month after month, nothing changed. Then, somewhere along the way, my focus changed from being afraid of not being able to have children to simply asking FOR children. And honestly, once I let go of the fear that I had been holding onto and changed my focus, things happened rather quickly.
Here's a little word of advice to you....try to be specific when you are asking the Universe for what you want. It makes a difference.
You see, I asked for children. Over and over again I asked for children. And I got exactly what I asked for. I got 'children' in the form of quadruplets! I never asked for 'a baby' even though that's really what I expected, because who would ever think that I would need to be that specific. I knew that I wanted several children, it just never occurred to me that I should have to say that I expected them one at a time. But, the Universe answered my request in the most wonderful way and I wouldn't change a thing. The pregnancy was not an easy one--I spent 7 weeks in bed in the hospital. Not allowed to get out of bed, and not allowed to even sit up.--but I was certain from the start that I would have four healthy beautiful babies. I would not even entertain thoughts of anything being wrong and I wouldn't let other people talk about it around me. I only wanted positive attitudes. And it all worked out better than we could have ever imagined!

(This is an old picture -they're teenagers now- but it's one of my favorite.)
And, it's funny, because I didn't even know about the LOA back then. But my heart must have known, because that's what got me through it all. And when I did find out about the LOA it was my heart that told me that what I was reading was true.
Think about where your focus is. Is fear of what you don't want your dominant thought? Can you re-frame your desires into a positive form? Are you being specific? Because it all matters!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Get it free....
I wrote a little article on the LOA and published it on Amazon Kindle. It is available for free to borrow for the next few days on your kindle if you are an Amazon Prime member. Go here to get it.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
A good place to start
If you are unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction (LOA) then it all can be a bit overwhelming and crazy. A great place to start is by reading The Science of Getting Rich. It is one of many books written by Wallace D. Wattles. His book explains the concept and the law and gives examples of its application.
Even if you have read other stuff or are more familiar with LOA, if you haven't yet read The Science of Getting Rich, I urge you to do so. You can download a free copy here. I think it's a must read. While you're there, you can also sign up for the newsletters (which are great) and follow the boards. She also offers a course on the book and applying it to your own life. I've taken it and it's a big help. I do recommend the course, but I think maybe you should read the book through at least once to get a feel for it before you jump in.
For me, when I read the book there was just something about it that 'just felt right' to me. It was far from so much that I had been taught but it felt true to my core. I hope that you read it and that it helps you in your journey.
Even if you have read other stuff or are more familiar with LOA, if you haven't yet read The Science of Getting Rich, I urge you to do so. You can download a free copy here. I think it's a must read. While you're there, you can also sign up for the newsletters (which are great) and follow the boards. She also offers a course on the book and applying it to your own life. I've taken it and it's a big help. I do recommend the course, but I think maybe you should read the book through at least once to get a feel for it before you jump in.
For me, when I read the book there was just something about it that 'just felt right' to me. It was far from so much that I had been taught but it felt true to my core. I hope that you read it and that it helps you in your journey.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Well, Hello!
I have been intentionally living my life in the spirit of the Law of Attraction for quite some time now. I say intentionally because we are all subject to the Law of Attraction, but not everyone is aware of it. Once you become aware of its presence in you life, you can begin to live with intention and use the Law of Attraction for your highest good.
I have recently become certified in the Law of Attraction and have felt an urge to help others so I decided a good place to start would be this blog. I'll tell you about my own personal experiences, starting with the past and letting you know how things are going currently. I will also be sharing sources that I have found to be valuable in my learning adventure.
I look forward to this and hope we all learn wonderful things along the way.
I have recently become certified in the Law of Attraction and have felt an urge to help others so I decided a good place to start would be this blog. I'll tell you about my own personal experiences, starting with the past and letting you know how things are going currently. I will also be sharing sources that I have found to be valuable in my learning adventure.
I look forward to this and hope we all learn wonderful things along the way.
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