Friday, August 30, 2013

You don't always know why

When I am asking the Universe for something, I like to conclude with 'this or something better' because we don't always know how things with work out for us if we limit our asking to only what we know. I like to give the Universe the chance to do what is really best for me.

There are many situations in our lives where we are left wondering 'Why did that happen to me? I don't understand.' Sometimes we may get an answer, but so often we are left with no explanation and no clue as to why something has happened. It's at these times that we just have to depend on our faith and fall back on the belief that all things are happening for our highest good.

But, sometimes we get an answer and we get to see why something happened the way it did.

Many years ago, we were heading out of town with our children for a long weekend. From the very beginning, our kids have sat in the same car seats in the same spot in our car. Well, on this particular weekend two of them switched seats. (Note: They had never done it before and they never did it afterwards. They only did it this one time on this particular weekend.)

Well, we all got loaded up and headed out. About two hours into our drive, Abigail opened her car door. We usually had the back doors on the child safety setting so that those doors have to be opened from the outside. However, we had recently had company and had changed the setting and obviously overlooked putting it back on the safety setting.

So, we were driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour and she opened the door. Not all the way, but it was enough that the door wasn't closed tight anymore. We exited the highway and stopped on the side of the access road. I jumped out and closed her door and then we got back on our way.

Not two minutes down the road we came upon a pretty bad wreck. It had just happened. The police and ambulance hadn't even arrived yet. The people involved were still trying to wrap their brains around the fact that they had just had this wreck.

I know with every fiber of my being that if we hadn't stopped to close that door we would have been the ones involved in that wreck. The Universe had been at work hours before putting things in motion so that we would be stopped before that wreck happened and our children wouldn't have to be involved.

My point here is that there is a reason that things happen the way they do. Unfortunately, we may not always get to know what that reason is, but there is always a reason. Now, the people that were involved in that wreck may wonder why it happened to them, but maybe it was to spare my children since they were all adults. Or who knows, maybe one of them wanted a new car and that was how they got it. I don't know, and the truth of the matter is I don't need to know why. I only need to believe that it was for the highest good of everyone involved.

So the next time you're asking the Universe for the things that you most desire, remember that your desires involve countless people along the way. It's like a ripple effect in the water. Be sure to include a request for things to work for the highest good of everyone involved. And thanks for doing it, because it affects us all.

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