Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Letting go of Procrastination

I know that for me, all too often I fail to act. I'm full of great ideas. Sometimes they keep me awake at night as I work them all out in my mind. I decide on each step that should be taken along the way and how each action should work.

And that's where it ends. I think about it and think about it until a new 'great idea' takes its place and the whole process repeats. There is far too little inspired action.

Sometimes I do take action, but those times are too few and much too far between. I get stuck somewhere between fear, laziness, and overwhelm.

I've tapped along with Brad Yates on several different things, but I've recently started following along as he taps through letting go of the fear and procrastination. I started doing it in the mornings before work and then in the afternoon on my way home. It has really helped to be more motivated and to get things done. And when you're taking action and getting things done, even if it is cleaning your house, that action matters. There isn't one grand action that will bring your desires, but there needs to be action. Even if it doesn't make sense to you and you can't see how it relates to your desires, still take action. You may need other things in your life in order before the good you want in your life is able to come to you.

So, here, give it a try:

And if you have the time, look at his other videos. I love his soft spoken style, the way he often includes a little humor, and especially how I feel after a round of tapping.

Now, don't put it off. At least take this one step of action. Who knows where it may lead you next.

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